PVTA Launches Free Bus Service And New Amherst Greenfield Route
September 21, 2021 The Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) is pleased to share new updates: Two updates, in particular, are particularly worthy of attention: In an attempt to reform public transportation systems in the region, the PVTA will eliminate charges for all of its passengers and develop a new route, Amherst to Greenfield.
The fare-free program is a component of the “Try Transit” campaign for Massachusetts that launched to increase ridership across the commonwealth. This change is beneficial to all the members of the community because PVTA services will not charge fares or passes to enable them to use the buses. This change is expected to enhance passenger traffic, whilst reducing road traffic congestion and resultant carbon dioxide emissions in the region.
Actually, according to the PVTA officials, the fare free system is going to be financed by state grants along with local elements. This program has enjoyed close cooperation with its municipal partners in assessing the general financial viability of the authority. Though the first phase is planned for a six-month experiment, it is possible to prolong it further, in case of positive outcomes.
Aside from doing away with fares, the PVTA also has recently set into motion a new route that will hard link Amherst to Greenfield, a move that sought to fill a void in the fixed transport systems linking two important Pioneer Valley centers. The route will run daily including more frequency during rush hour schedules.
The new Amherst-Greenfield route is two-pronged, in its functionality and objectives. The project will offer the much needed connection for the students and faculty who travel between the University of Massachusetts Amherst and Greenfield Community College. Besides, it will open better connections to job markets and healthcare services in both towns as well as cultural amenities.
Some new sites to be served are famous and considered to be strategic because they are easily accessed by people in transit either in Amherst or Greenfield while others are intermediate stops. The PVTA has invested its time in analyzing the common preferences of the community to establish the best pick up and dropping off points to benefit the greater community of residents.
In planning for this new service, concern has been taken with several environmental factors. It has been recently revealed that the buses running in the Amherst-Greenfield route will also be included in the PVTA’s expanding electric vehicle fleet which means less carbon footprints from public transit in the area.
Both Amherst and Greenfield local leaders have hailed the new route cutting since it will stimulate economic activity and give a face lift to the towns. The enhanced access to public transport is predicted to enhance the ability of inhabitants of both communities to access educational facilities and hospitals, as well as cultural events.
In preparation for the implementation of the fare-free system as well as the new PVTA route, the PVTA will be conducting awareness creation. This will involve delivering informative sessions within various community centers, libraries and schools; and very active communication on social media informing the riders of the impending changes.
The authority is also enhancing the mobile application and website for timely information on buses location and bus schedule for the passengers to easily plan on them. New real time information totems at major bus stop will provide timetable schedules and any service changes.
In addition to this, the PVTA is recruiting more drivers and maintenance personnel in a bid to guarantee that clients get the best services. The authority has reassured communities about its humane policy towards labor and is in close contact with local unions to generate new employment in the region.
Even though the fare-free system and new route are to be implemented from November 1, PVTA has assured that it will closely observe how the program works and likely make modifications. There will be a way of collecting feedback from the riders in the form of a survey as well as involving them through community meetings, and the riding experience will always be enhanced.